Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wanna hear a long joke? Joooooooooke

Three guys are on a boat, sailing on the ocean on a clear, beautiful day. They decide to do some fishing, so they take out their poles, put some bait on the hooks, cast their lines and begin to wait. The first guy says to the second guy: "Hey, do you think we'll get anything?" Before the second guy can say anything, the third guy blurts out: "I don't know, man. It doesn't look like we'll be getting too many bites." The second guy is a little annoyed that he was interrupted, but he lets it go. An hour passes by, and still, no bites. The first guy says again to the second guy: "Do you think we'll have any luck?" And again, before he can reply, the third guy again interrupts: "Well, maybe our luck will change, but I'm pretty convinced we're outta luck." The second guy is now visibly upset, but he decides to once again let it go. Another hour passes and they have nothing. The first guy lets out a sigh and says to the second guy: "Maybe we should pack up, clouds are beginning to form." and once again, before he can say anything, the third guy cuts in: "Yeah, definitely." The second guy can't take it anymore, so he says "Damn, Eric, can't you let a guy just talk?!" The third guy's speechless. "Jesus, Paul, sorry, okay? I didn't think you'd be so bitchy about this." The first guy intervenes. "Paul's right. I've been trying to talk to him all day and you keep just butting in. Can't you show some restraint?" The third guy's taken aback. "Not you too, Marty? Come on, man, I thought you were putting those questions out in the open. If you wanted to talk to Paul, you should've called him. You just asked those questions as if they were meant for the group!" Paul shakes his head "Whatever, man. Let's just get out of here, it looks like a storm's coming." As if it was scripted, thunder began to rumble, along with the flash of lightning. Rain suddenly begins to pour. "Jesus!" Marty yells over the roar of the rain. "We gotta get out, pronto!" The men scramble to the cabin and start the engine. Nothing. Suddenly, a huge wave slams over the boat, nearly tipping it. "Oh God, oh God, oh God," Eric mumbles to himself. "We're gonna die here!" Paul smacks him in the face. "Get it together! We're NOT going to die here! Not today!" Eric straightens up and looks at Paul. "Thanks, man. I needed that. Sorry for calling you bitchy." Paul flashes a smile and says "Apology accepted." Marty throws some rope to both men and says "Alright, ladies. Enough with the tearful reconciliation. Tie yourself to something sturdy and get ready for a bumpy ride." For the next few hours, all three men are grabbing on for dear life as wave after wave slam onto the side of the ship. For such a small boat, it's hanging on fairly well. But, despite its tenacity, it sinks below the waves.
Paul wakes up to find himself on the shore of a tropical island. He looks around, and sees Marty nearby. He quickly crawls over to him and shakes him awake. "Marty! Marty! We're alive! We made it!" Marty quickly gets up and looks around. He lets out a big laugh and says: "You're right! I can't believe it!" But suddenly, his laughter is cut short. "Where's Eric?" Paul's grin quickly disappears. "Oh no. Oh God, no." He points out to the nearby surf. Both men can see what's left of Eric as it quietly disappears below the waves. "Oh-" is all Marty can say before he has to empty his stomach. "Oh why..." Paul whispers. "OH GOD WHYYYYY?" Both men are quietly sobbing, mourning the death of their dear friend. But before they can go out to retrieve the remains, men in leaves and loincloths equipped with spears run out of the forest and surround them. Both men are suddenly filled with a mixture of fear and sorrow. In the midst of the strangers, a heavyset man with warpaint on his face walks up to them. "WHITE MEN" he bellows. "YOU HAVE COME TO MY UNTOUCHED PARADISE. THIS HAS UPSET ME." The men cower at his yelling. "IF YOU WISH TO LIVE," he continues. "YOU MUST GO OUT INTO THE FOREST, COLLECT 10 OF ANY FRUIT, AND PLACE IT UP YOUR BUTT. IF YOU CAN DO THIS WITHOUT FLINCHING, I WILL LET YOU LIVE. BUT BE WARNED," he adds. "IF YOU SO MUCH AS WINCE, MY MEN WILL IMPALE YOU!" Both men are visibly in tears, ready to break down. But then suddenly Marty stops. "Wait a second, chief. You said this is your untouched paradise?" The chief glares at him. "YOU DARE QUESTION ME? OF COURSE IT IS!" Marty looks at him square in the eye. "If that's the case, then why do you know English?" The chief is taken aback. "UH, WELL, YOU SEE..." but before he can offer an explanation, one of the men in loincloths says "Forget it, Frank. The jig's up." The chief attempts to stutter an explanation, but gives up. "Oh, alright! You've ended up on an island just off the coast of Florida. Me and the guys like to come here and spook anyone that comes by. Sorry about that." Paul, at first sobbing uncontrollably, finally yells out: "We were shipwrecked, you ass! We nearly died, except for out friend Eric! He actually died!" He says as he points toward the sea. "Please, help us get the body." Frank lets out a big sigh. "Oooh, I'm so sorry, guys. Yeah, we'll definitely lend a hand." The proper authorities were called, and eventually Eric's body was recovered. His widow was informed.

Moral of the story: never interrupt someone while he's talking

Wait, was I telling a joke?


  1. I skipped over this whole entry. Just tell me what I was supposed to get out of this in person. haha

  2. I almost started to read this, and I remembered I have chinese homework AND that this will probably be a joke/story that is a w life.

    Good day!
