Friday, April 3, 2009

Picture story!

Dear Blog,

How are you? Today, I went to a supermarket. It sort of looks like this:

So here I was, with my good friend Cary, walking around, right? We're wandering around the produce aisle, which looks like this:

So there I am, wandering the aisle, when I hear someone.

"Excuse me!"

I turn to see who's talking to me. Right in front of me was this guy, a regular looking guy. Just a normal sort of guy, with glasses and a hat. The kind with a duck bill. I guess I could show what that would look like:

So then this guy says

"Hey! I really like your shirt!"

And I was like


And then he

"Do you mind if i take a picture?"

And then me, flattered


And then he takes a picture and goes away. And I'm feeling really good, you know? Someone thought my shirt was cool! Then Cary points out how creepy that whole exchange was. Then I realize it was creepy. Then the guy shows up again!

"Here's my card"

I got his card! It was strange. It had his blog on it. Blog share!

Ok blog, I gotta go! I love you!